Programs For Adults & Families

Classes and Workshops
Our programs for Adults include:
Conversational ESL
Living and Working in the USA
Computer Classes
Financial Literacy -The next class begins in October 2023
Health and Wellness
Mental Health Clinic -Once a month
Support group once every month
Please call 774-261-4232 for information on classes and workshops that are currently scheduled or to register.

Personalized Support
Through partnerships with local professionals, Angels-Net is able to offer the following support services:
Free Initial Legal Consultation
Free Job/Career readiness
All consultations are by appointment only. Please call 774-261-4232 for more information or to make an appointment.

Food Insecurity
ANF distributes food and snacks to immigrant and refugee families in the Greater Worcester community area. Since the pandemic, ANF has enhanced its food distribution programs. Many families relied on ANF for their weekly meals. Thanks to our partners at the Wesley United Methodist Church Food pantry who help us to put food on the tables for 40 families weekly.

Training & Testing
Training & Testing
Angels-Net Foundation Inc, is an authorized test center, offering hundreds of computerized tests Monday through Saturday for many careers, including the MTEL, etc. Testing at Angels-Net provides financial support for our operations.
Please click on any of the logos to the right for more information and to register.
We are currently enrolling students for March Microsoft Office Suite (MOS) Classes.